Changes to NM Septic System Transfer Rules

June 6th, 2020 8:41 PM by Gabriel Leyba

Septic Systems in New Mexico are required to be tested prior to the property transferring ownership. The filing fees and re-permitting fees will change as of July 1, 2020.  Below is a notice from the New Mexico Environment Department. If you have any questions regarding how this would affect the potential sale of your home please contact any of the experienced Realtors at Leyba Real Estate LLC.

Changes to New Mexico Administrative Code 20.7.11 Liquid Waste Treatment and Disposal Fees will become effective July 1, 2020.

The new report filing fee will be fifty dollars.  An invoice for $50 will be attached to all property transfer evaluation reports filed with any of the field offices. The owner of the property is responsible for the fee.  The owner or their authorized representative may pay the fee via check made payable to the Environmental Health Fund.

Payment may be made at the time of submission or within 30 days. Any outstanding invoices will become the responsibility of future property owners.

The department has plans to allow for credit card and online payments in the near future.

Additional changes include a fee of $250 for the department to conduct an un-permitted system inspection.  Again, this is a new fee. 

A fee schedule is below for your information.

You may email or call your local field office if you have any questions. 


The department will develop an online video explaining the changes in the near future. 

We will send out the link when that occurs.



(effective 07/01/2020)



Conventional system, register, construct, or modify design flow up to 1,000 gpd


Conventional system, register, construct, or modify design flow 1,001 gpd up to 2,000 gpd is


Conventional system, register, construct, or modify design flow 2,001 gpd up to 5,000 gpd


Alternative system or advanced treatment register, construct or modify design flow.  up to 1,000 gpd          


Alternative system or advanced treatment register, construct or modify design flow.1,001 gpd up to 2,000 gpd


Alternative system or advanced treatment register, construct or modify design flow.2,001 gpd up to 5,000 gpd


Annual operating permit renewal for an alternative system or advanced treatment system


Annual operating permit renewal for a holding tank system or, a split flow system with a holding tank, excluding alternative systems and advanced treatment systems


Homeowner Qualification Certificate


Third-party Evaluator Qualification Certificate


Maintenance service provider Qualification Certificate


Septage Pumper Qualification Certificate


Installer Specialist Qualification Certificate


Installer Specialist Renewal Qualification Certificate


Septage Pumping Truck Annual Registration Fee: 


Property Transfer Report Filing Fee: 


Septic Tank Manufacturer Certification Fee:


Re-Inspection Fee:


Un-permitted System Inspection Fee:


Variance, Application for, small system


Variance Application for, large system


Table Prepared 4/9/20

Posted by Gabriel Leyba on June 6th, 2020 8:41 PM